Our first conversation is to understand the circumstances that exist that brought us together. That allows us to establish how we can help. From here we map out together the needs of the business, the timelines to completion and we determine the questions that need to be asked and answered. We are open, transparent and communicate throughout the process to ensure we are all driving towards the agreed outcome.
The Principal (You) and the Positus Team meet.
We review current management information and gain the latest market information. This allows us to determine the structure of the deal that best works for the business.
Agree Terms
The salient points of the deal are laid out in a non binding term sheet.
On site visit
An opportunity to meet your key members of the team.
Detailed due Diligence
Principal and the Positus team work collaboratively to complete Due Diligence.
Review of Due Diligence. Finalisation of the deal structure. First 100 days plan agreed.
Legal completion occurs with Signing of the Sales Purchase Agreement or Finance Documentation.
Now the hard work begins !